Emergency treatment for accidents and occupational health problems are handled at the medical center. Primary care, hospital referrals, follow-up and monitoring of employees’ health is also provided.
SAMREF considers its employees the most valuable assets and is committed to exert all efforts in maintaining their well-being. As a part of that strategy, several occupational health initiatives have been established including surveillance programs for those exposed to high noise levels and environmental hazards such as Benzene. The ability of individuals to wear breathing apparatus is regularly assessed and monitored through the Respirator Physical Checkups. Meticulous records are maintained of all occupational health programs. Results are communicated to the concerned parties. Employees are provided counseling on issues of potential occupational hazards.
Pre-employment medical checkup, Occupational Health Surveillance Periodic Physicals, Fitness to work, Sick time-off and return to work, job relocation advice due to medical problems are all handled through the Medical Dept.
Guidelines are also issued to deal with specific problems such as high noise and heat exposure etc. General medical news and topics of interest are regularly communicated to all employees through the company electronic mail system.
Family healthcare is provided through Medical Insurance in different cities of the country. All employees and their eligible dependents have easy access to these facilities by using a medical card issued by the insurance company. Patient interaction at the healthcare facilities is monitored on regular basis.