- Crude Unit
- Vacuum Unit
- Visbreaker
- Isomerization Unit
- Fluid Catalytic Cracking
- Naphtha Hydrotreater
- Continuous Reformer
- Catalytic Hydrodesulfurisation
- Amine, Sulfur Recovery and Prilling Unit
- Alkylation Unit
- Saturated and Unsaturated Gas Plants
- MTBE Unit
- Hydrisom Unit
The yield of gasoline and distillate products
>80% per barrel
which is higher than the normal rates in similar refineries. It is believed that SAMREF is the most sophisticated grassroots refinery ever built. Its processing flexibility enables the refinery to alter its productmix to meet seasonal demands, and more importantly, long term shifts in demand pattern. Some processing units are under study to further enhance the refinery’s capability to produce even more premium quality products.
The refinery features single train processing and residual upgrading capabilities.
Principal process facilities include reforming and isomerization for gasoline octane improvement,
fluid catalytic cracking for gas oil conversion, alkylation and MTBE units LPG upgrading for gasoline production and visbreaking for improving fluidity of heavy fuel oil.
The MTBE unit has special signification because it will not only allow SAMREF to operate even more efficiently with the additional production of high quality products, but it will also permit SAMREF to make
oxygenated gasoline’s, a cleaner burning motor vehicle fuel.
The SAMREF oxygenated gasoline will be the first gasoline of this kind to be produced by a refinery Saudi Arabia.